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Clubhouse Closure Update
Posted on Aug 16th, 2023

We are getting closer to reopening the Clubhouse. Woodworkers should finish in a day or so. The electricians continue to work, and painters should be in this week. The kitchen cabinets arrived last week and are being installed this week. The counters will be templated and then cut, a process which usually takes a week or more.  The repair or replacement of the pool compressor has proven more difficult than anticipated, but we are working closely with our contractor and hope to have a better update within a week.
Finishing up the Clubhouse renovations is the Board's highest priority, so to allow crews free access to the premises, the Clubhouse will remain closed during the day with the exception of the Mailroom and Fitness center.  Some nighttime use has been  possible dependent upon the sort of work in progress.  The sign-up area / forms are temporarily located in the Mailroom. 
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